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1 50 Unleash the Monado's power[XENO:n ] to use a Monado Art.
2 50 Slash at the enemy and inflict[XENO:n ] Break.
3 50 Use the Monado's full strength[XENO:n ] to attack all enemies in a line.
4 50 Causes attacks to pierce Mechon[XENO:n ] armour. Boosts damage slightly.
5 50 Deflects enemy Talent Arts of[XENO:n ] the same level or lower.
6 50 Envelop an ally in the Monado's[XENO:n ] power, improving evasion.
7 50 Inflicts Aura Seal, removing[XENO:n ] enemy Auras and Spike effects.
8 50 The Monado's power consumes[XENO:n ] enemies, including any buffs.
9 50 The Monado's protection reduces[XENO:n ] physical and ether damage.
10 50 The Monado's power attacks[XENO:n ] enemies all around its wielder.
11 50 Attacking from the side will[XENO:n ] reduce physical defence.
12 50 Attacking from behind will inflict[XENO:n ] a large amount of damage.
13 50 Gather the ether in the air to[XENO:n ] restore the HP of 1 party member.
14 50 Slash at the enemy, inflicting[XENO:n ] Daze.
15 50 Break the enemy's stance.[XENO:n ] A side attack may inflict Slow.
16 50 Reduces aggro and increases[XENO:n ] physical Arts damage.
17 50 Sacrifice half of HP to fill[XENO:n ] Talent Gauge.
18 50 Swing weapon in front, attacking[XENO:n ] multiple enemies.
19 50 Taunt an enemy, drawing aggro[XENO:n ] and becoming the enemy target.
20 50 Swing weapon, drawing aggro[XENO:n ] from enemies in range.
21 50 Slice at an enemy's feet,[XENO:n ] inflicting Topple.
22 50 Use weapon to block[XENO:n ] attacks.
23 50 Full circle swing, dealing[XENO:n ] damage to enemies in range.
24 50 Stab an enemy, dealing a large[XENO:n ] amount of damage.
25 50 Aura that disregards defence to[XENO:n ] prioritise attack.
26 50 Hit the enemy with a shield,[XENO:n ] inflicting Daze.
27 50 Aura that greatly raises aggro,[XENO:n ] drawing enemy attention.
28 50 Aura that revives the user once[XENO:n ] before they are Incapacitated.
29 50 Aura that lowers physical damage.[XENO:n ] Talent Gauge refills over time.
30 50 The user gets fired up and their[XENO:n ] Arts damage increases.
31 50 Assault the enemy with a[XENO:n ] mighty punch.
32 50 A paralysing kick. Use after[XENO:n ] Bone Upper to reduce agility.
33 50 Available when an Aura is active.[XENO:n ] Attack reduces enemy strength.
34 50 Aura that prevents Knock-Back,[XENO:n ] Blow-Down and aggro reduction.
35 50 Deal damage to multiple[XENO:n ] enemies in front of Reyn.
36 50 A high-speed four-attack combo.
37 50 Turning double-knife slice.[XENO:n ] Extra damage from behind.
38 50 Upward cleave that breaks the[XENO:n ] enemy's stance.
39 50 Summon all Fiora's might to[XENO:n ] attack, Dazing the enemy.
40 50 Stab an enemy, dealing ordinary[XENO:n ] damage and Bleed damage.
41 50 Unleash the power within, slicing[XENO:n ] for as long as your focus endures.
42 50 Cutting Petal Explanation
43 50 Twisting Petal Explanation
44 50 Falling Petal Explanation
45 50 Stab an enemy quickly and deeply[XENO:n ] inflicting Bleed damage.
46 50 Deal a devastating kick. Inflicts[XENO:n ] Break if used after Gale Slash.
47 50 Aura of high spirits cures party of[XENO:n ] Confuse and increases strength.
48 50 Combo lowering physical defence.[XENO:n ] After Gale Slash, lowers strength.
49 50 Fix your gaze firmly on a single[XENO:n ] enemy, creating an Aura of focus.
50 50 Pulverise the enemy with a[XENO:n ] precise attack, inflicting Topple.
51 50 A peaceful and focused Aura that[XENO:n ] increases Accuracy and Evasion.
52 50 Sacrifice HP to refill the Talent[XENO:n ] Gauge.
53 50 Aura that recovers HP just before[XENO:n ] Incapacitation.
54 50 Air waves deal damage. Removes[XENO:n ] enemy buffs after Gale Slash.
55 50 An inscrutable Aura removes all[XENO:n ] aggro and increases Critical Rate.
56 50 Aura that removes debuffs[XENO:n ] and grants Haste.
57 50 Spin up into the air, striking foes[XENO:n ] all around with shockwaves.
58 50 A pulse attacks enemies behind.[XENO:n ] If used with an Aura, forces Daze.
59 50 A powerful attack on one enemy[XENO:n ] reverberates to all others.
60 50 Impressive exploits draw aggro[XENO:n ] from a party member to Dunban.
61 50 Cools an overheated Ether gun.
62 50 Overdrive Explanation
63 50 A shot of recovery ether, restoring[XENO:n ] some HP to target.
64 50 Two-hit combo, critical against[XENO:n ] flying enemies.
65 50 Releases a special barrier of ether[XENO:n ] that absorbs some damage.
66 50 Removes debuffs from target and[XENO:n ] grants temporary debuff immunity.
67 50 Reduces cooldown of all Arts[XENO:n ] except Drive Boost.
68 50 A shot of recovery ether, restoring[XENO:n ] a large amount of HP to target.
69 50 Shoot recovery ether into the air,[XENO:n ] restoring HP to the entire party.
70 50 A critical hit, inflicting Instant[XENO:n ] Death on enemies suffering Daze.
71 50 Shoot a powerful bullet in a[XENO:n ] straight line, inflicting Break.
72 50 A special ether bullet that extends[XENO:n ] the duration of an Aura.
73 50 Releases a special ether bullet that[XENO:n ] increases the tension of the party.
74 50 Pistol whip the enemy, inflicting[XENO:n ] Daze.
75 50 Aura that stops you gaining aggro,[XENO:n ] reducing attacks from enemies.
76 50 Create a special ether barrier that[XENO:n ] restores HP when attacked.
77 50 An ether bullet with hypnotic[XENO:n ] qualities, inflicting Sleep.
78 50 Removes debuffs, grants a period[XENO:n ] of debuff immunity to the party.
79 50 Steal something that Riki likes[XENO:n ] from the enemy.
80 50 Riki does his happy dance,[XENO:n ] filling the Party Gauge.
81 50 Riki bites out, inflicting Bleed.[XENO:n ] From behind extends duration.
82 50 Riki sneaks up from behind,[XENO:n ] dealing lots of damage.
83 50 Riki plays dead. Enemies ignore[XENO:n ] him, allowing a surprise attack.
84 50 Riki chews poisonous grass from[XENO:n ] Makna and spits it out in a cloud.
85 50 The Heropon charges ahead with[XENO:n ] a blessed Aura surrounding him.
86 50 The bigger you are, the harder[XENO:n ] you fall!
87 50 Riki throws petals from Makna,[XENO:n ] making any enemy placid.
88 50 This Aura lets enemies feel the[XENO:n ] pain of a Heropon's wrath!
89 50 Riki spins his weapon, sending all[XENO:n ] enemies in range straight to sleep.
90 50 Restore HP to the party. The more[XENO:n ] debuffs, the more HP restored.
91 50 Gleefully thwack the enemy. As a[XENO:n ] side attack, Confuses Mechon.
92 50 Removes debuffs from enemy, but[XENO:n ] deals extra damage for each one.
93 50 Riki spits out fire, scorching all[XENO:n ] enemies in range.
94 50 Riki spits saliva that instantly[XENO:n ] freezes around an enemy.
95 50 Riki lashes out at enemies,[XENO:n ] inflicting Break.
96 50 Shoot a summoned elemental.[XENO:n ] Full gauge causes Element Burst.
97 50 Electric Discharge Explanation
98 50 Blaze Discharge Explanation
99 50 Ice Discharge Explanation
100 50 Wind Discharge Explanation
101 50 Earth Discharge Explanation
102 50 Water Discharge Explanation
103 50 Electricity increases ether.[XENO:n ] Discharge inflicts large damage.
104 50 Fire increases strength.[XENO:n ] Discharge inflicts Blaze damage.
105 50 Ice reduces ether damage.[XENO:n ] Discharge inflicts Chill damage.
106 50 Wrap the enemy in warm ether,[XENO:n ] sending them to sleep.
107 50 Throw the enemy back.[XENO:n ] Physical attack.
108 50 Ether from the ground restricts[XENO:n ] movement of enemies in range.
109 50 Resummon the last summoned[XENO:n ] elemental.
110 50 A special ether barrier that causes[XENO:n ] attacks to rebound on the enemy.
111 50 Wind increases agility.[XENO:n ] Discharge inflicts area damage.
112 50 Earth reduces physical damage.[XENO:n ] Discharge inflicts Poison damage.
113 50 Water causes HP regeneration.[XENO:n ] Discharge drains enemy HP.
114 50 Sacrifice own HP to restore the[XENO:n ] HP of a party member.
115 50 A devastating kick.[XENO:n ] Physical close-combat attack.
116 50 An Aura that excites elementals,[XENO:n ] boosting the range of their effects.
117 50 Release latent power, reducing[XENO:n ] the defence of enemies in range.
118 50 Release internal strength to seal[XENO:n ] enemy Arts.
119 50 Drones form a cannon, unleashing[XENO:n ] a large beam in a straight line.
120 50 Drones surround Fiora, firing[XENO:n ] deadly beams in all directions.
121 50 Drones turn into four arms, slicing[XENO:n ] viciously at the targeted enemy.
122 50 Drones become a barrier,[XENO:n ] granting Fiora the Shield effect.
123 50 Drones form a cannon, unleashing[XENO:n ] a large beam in a straight line.
124 50 Drones surround Fiora, firing[XENO:n ] deadly beams in all directions.
125 50 Drones turn into four arms, slicing[XENO:n ] viciously at the targeted enemy.
126 50 Drones become a barrier, granting[XENO:n ] temporary debuff immunity.
127 50 Drones turn into four arms, slicing[XENO:n ] viciously at the targeted enemy.
128 50 Attacking from behind will inflict[XENO:n ] a large amount of damage.
129 50 Removes debuffs and creates a[XENO:n ] Regenerate Aura.
130 50 Heavy damage on enemies[XENO:n ] suffering Topple.
131 50 A kick attack in a cross formation,[XENO:n ] inflicting Daze.
132 50 Aura reduces attack intervals and[XENO:n ] grants double attack opportunity.
133 50 Produces a special field that[XENO:n ] inflicts Paralysis.
134 50 Lock Fiora's sights onto a single[XENO:n ] enemy, creating an Aura of focus.
135 50 Special field that absorbs[XENO:n ] ether.
136 50 A dual-bladed outward slash,[XENO:n ] striking enemies in front.
137 50 Release an ether wave striking all[XENO:n ] in range. Inflicts Daze on Mechon.
138 50 Strike an enemy, inflicting Sleep.
139 50 Vicious fang attack, inflicting[XENO:n ] Break.
140 50 Create a special field that absorbs[XENO:n ] strength.
141 50 Protective Aura that shifts priority[XENO:n ] from attack to defence.
142 50 Tense all the muscles in the body,[XENO:n ] increasing physical Arts damage.
143 50 Release a massive ether wave[XENO:n ] to annihilate enemies.
144 50 Defuses the feeling of panic from overusing Arts.
145 50 Fires a blast of recovery ether, restoring some HP to target.
146 50 Reduces cooldown of all Arts except B-B-B-Boost.
147 50 A blast of recovery ether, restoring a large amount of HP to target.
148 50 Shoot recovery ether into the air, restoring HP to the entire party.
149 50 Unleash a powerful attack in a straight line, inflicting Break.
150 50 A special ether attack that extends the duration of an Aura.
151 50 Releases a special ether blast that increases the tension of the party.
152 50 An aggressive, carefully-aimed strike that inflicts Daze.
153 50 A blast of ether with hypnotic qualities, inflicting Sleep.
154 50 Hold weapon out in front to block attacks.
155 50 Smack an enemy with full force, dealing a large amount of damage.
156 50 Leap out and smack the enemy, inflicting Daze.
157 50 Knock the enemy for six with a mighty thwack.
158 50 A paralysing strike. Use after Bone Upper to reduce agility.
159 50 Nimbly batter down multiple enemies in front of Nene.